BBS in a Box 7
BBS in a Box - Macintosh - Volume VII (BBS in a Box) (January 1993).iso
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Text File
171 lines
AdVent 0.5
AdVent is a simple adventure game program, allowing you to explore an area,
beat up on the inhabitants, find treasure, and have fun.
Unless you are killed.
Its real strength is that it is very easy to write adventures to be played
with AdVent. The following is an explanation of how to write your own
AdVent adventures.
>Feel free to Distribute AdVent with any adventure you create<
All file creation can be done with MacWrite, but must be saved as
"TEXT ONLY", your files must also be saved with the appropriate name.
Important when loading and saving the files with MacWrite CARRAGE RETURNS
MUST SIGNIFY ->PARAGRAPHS<-. When using MacWrite use courier 10 to get 80
columns. You MUST end each line by hitting a carriage return in ALL files
if you let MacWrite's wordwrap do it the game won't work!
If you have Turbo Pascal® just use the turbo editor, and forget the above!
AdVent requires more disk space than it actually occupies in order to copy
files and save games.
The amount of space required for an adventure should be in a readme file,
it will be the size of AdVent 0.5 plus the size of AdVent.TRS plus AdVent.MON
plus AdVent.TXT plus three times the size of AdVent.DAT plus 1k . You should
check it thouroughly.
When a game is played it will destroy the saved game whether is is played
or not, a saved game should be moved or copied if you want to play the game
without killing it.
AdVent requires four files to play an adventure: AdVent.DAT, AdVent.TXT,
AdVent.MON, and AdVent.TRS. If all of these files are not present AdVent
will not Function.
The file AdVent.DAT contains the denomination for the adventure,
room specifications, monster pointers, and treasure pointers. The format is
as follows:
denomination is whatever you want your treasure to represent, it can be Dollars,
Gold Pieces or whatever you want.
X,Y, and Z are the room's coordinates X denotes East-West movement,
Y is North-South, and Z is Up-Down. The Adventure always starts at
001,001,001. Coordinates must be three digits long and are separated by a
comma(,). Coordinates may be negative.
Valid coordinates are:
Invalid coordinates are:
The description may be any length but is best kept to about 20 lines max
in order to prevent it from scrolling of the screen.
the room description must be terminated by a / character.
n,s,e,w,u, and d are either the characters Y or N. Yes or No to the ability to
go North, South, East, or West respectively.
*Monster and $Treasure are the monster and treasure pointers. * or $ is
followed by a single character corresponding to a monster or treasure in the
AdVent.MON and AdVent.TRS files. All characters are valid except Zero.
AdVent.TXT is the introduction to your Adventure it is just a text file with
your introduction followed by a /. The / may be followed by a four digit
number that will change the default hit points of your character.
The number must be four digits and can not be negative so 0200, 6000, 0050, and
0001 are valid while 20, 921, and -2300 are not.
AdVent.MON contains all information on monsters or whatever type of creatures
your adventure contains. The format is as follows:
where A is a single character corresponding to one in the Data file,
anything but zero. AttackPoints is a four digit number that must be four
digits and can not be negative. The description that will appear after the
room description can be anything started and ended by a ". @ is either g or b
denoting a "good"(will not attack unprovoked) or "bad"(will attack immediately).
The entire thing can not be more than 80 characters long. The file consists
of as many of these lines as there are monsters.
AdVent.TRS is the treasure file with the specs of the treasures referred to in
the data file. The Format is as follows:
where A is a single character corresponding to one in the Data file,
anything but zero. The description that will appear after the
room description can be anything started and ended by a ". Value is a four
digit number that must be four digits and can not be negative. The entire
thing can not be more than 80 characters long. The file consists of as many
of these lines as there are monsters.
Some Hints:
Experiment with the included mini adventure, it is not copyrighted
and I don't care what you do with it. Use one way doors and
hidden doors as in the test adventure to separate things and spice
up the adventure. Use graph paper to map out rooms, unless you are
a genius.
I have no problem with games being released as Shareware but I would appreciate
$10 instead of $5 (not mandatory).
======Remember AdVent is not Free======
if you don't like it simply erase it, if you like it send the $5 especially if
You want future versions released as shareware.
ver 1.0, the next release will come out soon if I get a good response from YOU
otherwise I will just give up!
It will have:
everything 5.0 has+
Full mouse interface
an OBJ object file for multi purpose objects including
Key objects to "open" doors and allow passage.
and any other suggestions I get on GENIE or with the $5.
ver 1.0 will be $5 again and if you paid for the first one you don't have
to pay again. But if you don't pay for 0.5, you will never see 1.0...
Note: Peaceful adventures are possible but as always peace is very boring.
AdVent was written in Turbo Pascal® originally on the PC (ver 0.1) but
underwent massive changes on my Mac SE.
Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark of Borland International